Saturday, 23 January 2016

A Taste of what's happening....

Wow, so a lot...

Sorry I haven't been as good as I should have been with my posts, but life, you know how it is.

So, what is happening in Terri World?

First a huge thanks to everyone that follows and views my Flickr, we're well on the way to 400 followers, and now at over 300,000 views with the most viewed photo ticking on close to 3,000 by itself. I am absolutely stunned by this and all the rest of the things happening that seem just too amazing to be true.

My photo, The Beach was selected for Picture of the Day by SL Afterdark, what a huge honour...

I finished up the Porn*Stars Playing Card Deck and will start shooting the second one in two weeks, so watch out for that

50 Cowgirls is a new project and will be on going throughout this year, these are all released on Sundays.

PJ Thornton took a few of her own snaps as we did her shoot at Kaymee's Coconut Island , so here are her versions of Cowgirl #3

Outside of those shoots, I have done shoots with Athena, Brea BriannaCandy Kane, Severina, and Cream Release, and there are more duo shots to come, both the naughty and the artistic, so keep an eye out for those. :)

Here are some of the alternate shots from those shoots, the ones that didn't make it.

And just release, my second staring role and first title in a XXX Movie, A Taste of Terri, has been released by Dog Star Productions.

Finally, keep your eyes peeled for March's Busted Magazine. I can't tell you much, but Terri will be featured as a Movie Character. She's hot, she's tough, and doesn't take anything from anyone, and of course, she's a redhead. Remember to take a look at the issue to find out who I'll be shooting as. :)

<3 Terri